Vernon's Zine Library
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What the hell is Vernon's Zine Library about?
Vernon, B.C. is a great little city just outside of Kelowna, big enough to have that big city attitude, but small enough to get things done. There are a lot of creative people in Vernon, but not enough zine makers.

What I'm trying to do with this project is to distro zines around town at various Cafe's (we have many) and have people see them, see how great they are and create a want to make more zines!

What do I want from you? I hear you ask... Well I'm looking for donations of 1 or 2 zines of your collections... Zines you don't want any more. ANY zine you have, I'll take.

Just send it to:

Zine Library
c/o: Alex Muirhead
#2 - 7275 Old Kamloops Rd.
Vernon, B.C., V1H 1X8

I am interested in all types of zines at the moment.